japanese technique of kaizen, constant improvement by oishya kitchenware

The Art of Kaizen: How Oishya Upholds a Relentless Pursuit of Perfection

In the ever-evolving landscape of craftsmanship and quality, one philosophy stands as a timeless beacon, guiding artisans and manufacturers alike towards a path of continuous improvement. This philosophy, deeply rooted in Japanese culture, is known as “kaizen,” and it has become a cornerstone of excellence, transcending borders and industries alike. Kaizen: The Origins of a […]

japan nature food oishya kitchenware sakai kyuba knives set

Beginning Your Journey With Japanese Kitchen Knives: Individual Knives vs. Sets

The world of Japanese kitchen knives is a captivating realm where centuries-old traditions intersect with modern culinary innovation. As you embark on this journey, one of the first decisions you’ll face is whether to invest in an individual knife or a complete set. This choice can seem daunting, especially for those new to the intricacies […]

edible flowers rose marigold oishya kitchen healthy cooking

Nature’s Hidden Gems: 15 Edible Flowers to Enliven Your Cooking

When we contemplate flavour enhancers in the kitchen, common ingredients such as herbs, spices, and seasonings frequently spring to mind. However, nature has bestowed upon us a vibrant array of edible flowers that can impart a touch of whimsy, vivid colours, and unique flavours to our culinary creations. From the delicate and fragrant to the […]

samurai katanas curved explanation oishya

Why are Japanese katanas curved?

Among the legendary weapons that have carved their place in martial history, few command as much mystique and respect as the Japanese katana. This iconic sword, with its distinct curved blade, has captured the imagination of warriors, scholars, and enthusiasts alike, its graceful arc a testament to the ingenious metallurgy and design principles that forged […]

japanese katana swords how they are made oishya journal

How The World’s Most Expensive Japanese Swords Are Made

In the annals of Japanese history, few traditions command as much reverence as the forging of Ni-honto, the legendary Japanese swords that have captured the imagination of warriors, scholars and collectors alike. These extraordinary blades, born from the exacting processes of firing and folding rare steel, are not mere weapons; they are living embodiments of […]

Sheffield Knife Sharpening close up

The Art of Japanese Knife Sharpening: Traditional Techniques and Modern Tools

In the world of Japanese kitchen knives, sharpening is an art form deeply rooted in tradition and precision. These finely crafted blades, forged with meticulous care and expertise, demand an equally thoughtful approach to maintaining their razor-sharp edges. From the ancient techniques of the samurai swordsmiths to the modern tools of today, the art of […]

How A Professional Sharpener Sharpens Japanese Kitchen Knife Sakai Kyuba Gyuto (Chef's Knife)

The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Sharpening Japanese Knives with Whetstones

If you’ve invested in a set of premium Japanese kitchen knives, you know firsthand the joy of slicing through ingredients with precision and ease. However, maintaining that razor-sharp edge is crucial to ensure your knives continue performing at their best. Enter the art of whetstone sharpening – a traditional technique that has been passed down […]

Japanese Knife Grading System: A Comprehensive Guide by oishya japanese kitchen knives team

Decoding the Japanese Knife Grading System: A Comprehensive Guide

For those starting their journey into the world of Japanese kitchen knives, one aspect that can seem incredibly daunting is understanding the grading system. Unlike their western counterparts, Japanese knives adhere to a unique grading scale that takes into account multiple factors such as steel composition, heat treatment processes, and craftsmanship. This intricate grading system […]

marble mortar pestle oishya premium homeware kitchenware

Why a Marble Mortar and Pestle Belongs in Every Home Kitchen

If you’re looking to take your home cooking to new heights, invest in a high-quality mortar and pestle. This ancient tool has been used for millennia to grind, crush, and blend ingredients—and for good reason. A well-made mortar and pestle puts you in complete control, allowing you to customize the texture and release maximum flavor […]

How to make a beetroot kvass - recipe

Fermented food: Beetroot Sourdough Drink

Beetroot sourdough is a fermented drink made from beetroot, water, and sometimes additional flavourings like garlic, herbs, and salt. This fermentation process not only enriches the liquid with probiotics but also enhances the bioavailability of the nutrients in beetroot, making it a powerhouse of health benefits. Health Benefits Digestive Health: The probiotics generated during fermentation […]

okinawa oishya food culture what do Okinawan people eat and how do they live so long

Okinawa: A Culinary and Cultural Paradise

Okinawa Prefecture, comprising over a hundred islands in the East China Sea, represents a distinct blend of cultures, histories, and traditions. This diversity is the result of its historical role as a hub for East Asian maritime trade and its more recent history under American administration following World War II. These influences have woven a […]

shokuhin sampuru fake plastic food on display in Japanese restaurants in Japan, ramen bowls hanging on the wall -

A Taste of Illusion: Exploring Shokuhin Sampuru, Japan’s Craft of Creating Lifelike Fake Foods

Shokuhin Sampuru, or food samples, is a unique aspect of Japanese culture that beautifully blends culinary art with craftsmanship. Originating in Japan during the early 20th century, these lifelike food replicas have become an integral part of the country’s culinary landscape. The inception of Shokuhin Sampuru is as fascinating as the craft itself. It began […]

kimchi in the jars how to make a healthy kimchi recipe

Why is kimchi so healthy + recipe

Kimchi, a staple in Korean cuisine, has transcended its cultural origins to become a global phenomenon. This traditional dish, typically made from fermented vegetables like napa cabbage and Korean radish, is much more than a side dish; it’s a symbol of Korean heritage and culinary artistry. The history of kimchi dates back to ancient times, […]

nagomi, a way of japanese life tips on Japanese culture and customs of living a happy mindful life

Introduction to Nagomi: Harmony in the Japanese Way of Life

Nagomi (和み), a profound concept in Japanese culture, embodies the essence of harmony and balance. It’s not merely a word; it represents an ideal, a way of living that permeates through every facet of life, from personal spaces and relationships to culinary practices and mindfulness. At its core, Nagomi is about finding peace and contentment […]

Signature Brass Chopsticks Inc. Rest- held in hand

The Difference Between Chopsticks : Japanese Vs. Chinese Vs. Korean

Chopsticks, more than mere utensils for eating, are cultural artefacts that reflect the deep-rooted traditions and customs of the societies that use them. In East Asia, particularly in Japan, China, and Korea, chopsticks are not only integral to dining but also vary significantly in design, material, and usage, mirroring the unique aspects of each culture. […]

are japanese knives worth their price explanation

Why Are Japanese Knive Worth Their Price?

In the world of culinary arts, the choice of tools is as vital as the ingredients used. Among these tools, Japanese knives are highly esteemed for their exceptional craftsmanship and performance. This article explores these exquisite knives, with a focus on the renowned Sakai Kyuba and Seki Kyuba ranges, offered by Oishya, a provider of […]

Damascus steel nowadays is made by Japanese finest blacksmiths

Where Is Damascus Steel Really From?

The timeless allure of Damascus steel Damascus steel, a term that evokes images of ancient warriors and exquisite craftsmanship, remains one of the most fascinating materials in metallurgy. Its distinctive wavy pattern, not just aesthetically captivating but also a marker of exceptional quality, continues to intrigue both historians and craftsmen alike. This legendary steel, known […]

how to sterilising jars

How to sterilise jars

In the vibrant tapestry of our shared love for the culinary arts, we’re excited to unveil a kitchen secret that’s been a game-changer for many – the meticulous art of jar sterilisation. Knowing your prowess in the kitchen, we’re eager to walk you through the nuanced steps of this culinary journey. The foundation – why […]

Japanese knives: how to spot the real deal vs. a knock-off?

So, you’ve decided to upgrade your kitchenware, moved to a new house, or perhaps you’ve heard that Japanese knives make the perfect, personal gift? You’re in for a treat! Japanese knives are not just tools; they’re a gateway to a world of culinary craftsmanship, precision, and tradition. Whether you’re a passionate home cook, an adventurous […]

colourful food

What Does the Colour of Your Food Mean?

A well-balanced, nutritious meal is typically brimming with a multitude of hues, particularly when incorporating fruits and vegetables. Frequently, we have inclinations towards foods of specific colours without being consciously aware. Chefs and culinary enthusiasts have long discerned the artistic potential of colours in their creations. The culinary landscape has borne witness to a revival […]

sakai kyuba japanese knives kitchenware women knives for women

When to Replace Your Trusty Cooking Knives: A Comprehensive Guide

Cooking knives are the unsung heroes of the kitchen, tirelessly assisting us in preparing delicious meals day in and day out. As they become an integral part of our culinary adventures, it’s essential to recognize when it’s time to bid farewell to our faithful companions and invest in new blades. Knowing when to replace your […]

sakai kyuba brown nakiri cutting lifestyle onion

Choosing the Perfect Knife for Women Who Love to Cook

As a woman who loves to cook, you understand the joy and satisfaction that comes from creating delicious meals for yourself and your loved ones. Cooking is not just about nourishment; it’s a creative outlet, a form of self-expression, and an opportunity to share unforgettable moments. To fully embrace this culinary journey and elevate your […]

knives japanese german premium upgrading kitchen knives

Upgrading kitchenware: why should you invest in good, sharp kitchen knives?

Imagine yourself in the kitchen, ready to embark on a culinary adventure. As you reach for your worn-out knife, frustration sets in as it struggles to slice through even the simplest ingredients. So, why should you consider investing in premium knives, particularly those of Japanese origin? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the compelling reasons […]

santoku vs gyuto knife japanese

A Beginner’s Guide to Choosing Your First Japanese Knife: A Newbie’s Essential Advice

Are you a complete knife newbie looking to buy your first Japanese knife? Congratulations on taking the first step towards enhancing your culinary journey! Japanese knives are renowned for their exceptional sharpness, precision, and craftsmanship, making them a popular choice among chefs and home cooks worldwide. In this beginner’s guide, we will provide you with […]

japan nature food oishya-179

The Okinawan Secret To Longevity

Nestled in the crystal-clear waters of the East China Sea, Okinawa emerges as a captivating destination that captivates all who set foot on its shores. Renowned for its vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and warm-hearted people, this tropical paradise offers much more than just pristine beaches. In this article, we will delve into the rich tapestry […]

japanaese cooking knives lightweight ergonomic knives

Effortless Maintenance, Lasting Performance: The Promise of Rust-Resistant Cooking Knives

In the world of culinary artistry, a high-quality cooking knife serves as an essential tool for chefs and home cooks alike. When selecting the perfect knife, factors such as ergonomic design, lightweight maneuverability, precision cutting, and durability come into play. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the realm of rust-resistant cooking knives, delving into […]

takoyaki homemade recipe

Takoyaki – the japanese octopus ball cake – homemade recipe and tips

Welcome, aspiring takoyaki masters! Get ready to embark on a hilarious adventure through the world of Japanese street food with Oishya’s special recipe for homemade takoyaki. We promise you’ll have a whale of a time and create mouthwatering octopus balls that will impress your friends and family. So, let’s get started! Ingredients for Takoyaki: 2 […]

ultrahigh resolution photograph of a european family cooking and preparing dinner together healthy food, modern interior, lots of sunlight, realistic, ultra detailed, shot on Fujifilm H2 camera, --ar 16:9 --s 50 --style raw --s 250 -

Why Family Cooking Together Matters

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time to prepare a home-cooked meal can be a challenge amidst the demands of work, school, and other activities. Often, convenience foods take precedence over the joy of preparing a meal from scratch. However, carving out time for family cooking together can offer numerous benefits, and one essential aspect that […]

seki kyuba sg2/r2 kiritsuke 180mm oishya

Why Japanese Knives Are Perfect for Women Cooks

Women have always played a vital role in the kitchen, and their passion for cooking has inspired many innovative kitchen utensils. Among these tools are Japanese knives, known for their excellence in precision, sharpness, and design. From the hands of skilled Japanese artisans, these knives have been crafted for centuries using unique techniques that make […]

Honing vs. Sharpening Stones: Unveiling the Secrets to Knife Maintenance

In the realm of knife maintenance, understanding the differences between honing and sharpening stones is crucial for maintaining the longevity and performance of your prized blades. At Oishya, a Japanese knife shop that celebrates the art of knife-making and Japanese culinary traditions, we delve into the distinctive roles of honing and sharpening stones, unraveling their […]