Low-Waste Ideas for the Kitchen, Grocery Store, and Beyond: A Cut Above the Rest

In the UK, it is estimated that approximately 9.5 million tonnes of food is wasted every year.  The average UK household throws away around £700 worth of food annually, which is equivalent to 4.5 million tonnes of CO2 emissions. The hospitality and food service sector in the UK generates around 920,000 tonnes of food waste each year.

Seeing the magnitude of a problem makes you think – what can you do to reduce it. There are endless ways, big and small, to reduce your waste — and we’re sharing a collection of easy zero waste tips to get you started. No pressure, no judgment. Just try a few and see what works for you. And remember: the world needs millions of people doing zero-waste imperfectly, not a handful doing it perfectly.

The 5 R’s of Living a Zero Waste Lifestyle

what you don’t need: Say no to unnecessary items and packaging, especially those that are disposable or single-use. Take a moment to assess if you truly need something before accepting it into your life.

1. Refuse

what you do need: Reduce the quantity of things you require by carefully considering how much stuff you actually need. Rethink your consumption habits and strive to live with less, prioritising quality over quantity.

2. Reduce

Give items a second life by repurposing them for different uses. Embrace the art of creativity and find new purposes for objects that would otherwise be discarded. Invest in reusable alternatives, like metal straws or cloth shopping bags, to replace disposable items.

3. Repurpose

When you cannot refuse, reduce, or reuse certain items, make sure to recycle them properly. Sort and dispose of materials in accordance with local recycling guidelines to minimise the environmental impact of waste.

4. Recycle

Transform organic waste, such as food scraps and yard trimmings, into nutrient-rich compost. By composting, you not only reduce waste but also contribute to the health of the soil and support sustainable gardening practices.

5. Rot

For more low-waste tips, read our full article. Click learn more.